Pinterest Marketing Tips Expectations vs Reality  

When it comes to marketing your small business it’s always hard to know where to start and how much money you will need to stand out from other business owners. Most creatives do not think Pinterest will work for their marketing needs but I am here to share with you the great news, IT can! 

Think of Pinterest as a visual search engine that you can use for FREE to get your blog in front of millions of eyes, and most people who are on Pinterest are ready to purchase unlike those on other social media platforms. 

Did you know Pinterest marketing is known to be one of the quickest ways to grow your blog traffic without ads if done properly? Yes, it can be done. Here is how. 

  1. Consistency! Just like any other platform, Pinterest likes consistency. Pinning on a regular daily basis and creating Fresh Pins for its users. Pinterest favors the pinner so making sure you are consistent with your marketing and scheduling will make it that much more effective in driving traffic to your website, blog, shop, or Etsy. 
  2. Never Leave your Pin Description blank! Never ever do this and make sure you are using rich keywords to help the pinners find you. I recommend using the fun search help at the top of Pinterest to find your keywords. 
  3. 80/20 Rule Pin 80% of your content and 20% of everyone else. This is an older trick to Pinterest does it still work? It does for my 10 clients who are seeing a higher vanity number of monthly viewers and Google sessions. I also find that being a good pinner to other Pinterest users is a good Pinner courtesy. 
  4. Tailwind! I love Tailwind in fact I require it for my services. This is a Pinterest scheduling platform that works hand and hand with Pinterest itself so you do not get dinged for using them to help schedule your pins and stay updated with traffic and use the resources that Tailwind has for you ( tribes, smart loop, safeguard posting) 
  5. Spammy content. Yes we want your content out there and we want you to be pinning it but we do not want you to be spammy or sound like a robot. People are not robots so have personality and make sure you are not pinning the same pin over and over again. 
  6. Click Worthy Images. For creatives it’s different for say, blog writers, food bloggers, etc. With your creative images please have a clean background and a limited number of text on the image.  Title and Image are really all you need. Check out the Simple Pin Media blog post about Creating Pinterest Images that Capture the Pinner’s Attention
  1. Understand that traffic will not happen overnight. Having a realistic expectation of results will help you not be disappointed in the end. Give 3 months to do all the tips from this blog post and using the tools and resources from Pinterest you can grow that traffic organically! 

These tips will help you get started with your Pinterest Marketing come back again for more Pinterest business tips! 

Remember to stay social!