Navigating the Social Trends of 2024

As we step into 2024, the landscape of social media and marketing is evolving, and I’ve been closely observing the trends to bring you a glimpse of what’s hot, what’s not, and what’s on the horizon for Kaycee LemonDrop.

1. **Instagram is Surging (Yes, You Heard Right!)**

   The unexpected rise of Instagram has caught many by surprise, including myself. It’s a platform to watch as it continues to gain momentum.

2. **Threads is Hanging by a Thread (No Pun Intended)**

   Threads seems to maintain its standing, and while I haven’t dived into it deeply, it seems the platform is doing well for those who like it.

3. **TikTok’s Rollercoaster Ride**

   TikTok is experiencing a downturn, especially with the overwhelming presence of TikTok shops. However, there’s hope that the platform will right itself by the end of Q1 2024.

4. **Short-Form Video is Still on Fire**

   Short-form video content remains a powerhouse, capturing the attention of audiences across various platforms.

5. **Long-Form Written Content Reigns Supreme**

   Platforms that support long-form written content with substantial value are set to dominate. Quality over quantity is the name of the game.

6. **AI-Generated Quotes Take a Dive**

   Average quotes and quote cards created with AI are not making the impact they once did.

7. **Less is More on Social Media Design**

   Overly branded or excessively designed social media content is on its way out. Simplicity and authenticity are gaining traction.

8. **Unsubscribing from Sales-Heavy Emails**

   Users are increasingly unsubscribing from email lists that bombard them with constant sales pitches.

9. **Pinterest Persists Without Ads**

   The good news? Pinterest is still effective without the need for ads. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

10. **YouTube’s Untapped Potential**

    YouTube still holds opportunities, especially for those who move beyond clickbaity and aggressively edited content. Share more than just the surface.

11. **Micro-Influencers on the Rise**

    Micro-influencers are set to take the spotlight as companies learn from past experiences with larger influencers. I’m personally considering micro-influencers for upcoming projects.

12. **Facebook Ads Cost is Dropping**

    The cost of Facebook ads continues to decrease, presenting a great opportunity. Is it time to reconsider advertising on the platform?

13. **Catering to the Ultra-Affluent**

    High-ticket offers for the ultra-affluent demographic are proving to be successful and will likely continue to do so.

14. **Affordable Offers for Everyone Else**

    Conversely, lower-ticket and affordable offers with exceptional value are expected to maintain their effectiveness.

15. **Prioritizing WOW Results/Experiences**

    Consumers are becoming more discerning, cutting out excess spending on anything that doesn’t deliver a wow-worthy result or experience.

As we embark on the journey through 2024, staying ahead of these trends will be key for success in the ever-evolving realm of social media and marketing.